Greenfield MA
RIP 1998-2007
she was my shadow. i still miss her!
Izzie , my last dog . passed away in March 2023 at the age of 15 and a half. A great long life shared.. I miss her spirit. She was an independant, smart, defiant, sassy, sensitive, sometimes nervous, goofball with a sense a humor. ( kind of like me!!!) i think she was an aussie- chow mix. She was lucky she was cute as she could be naughty! at one time in her life she was a "canine good citizen". i have the certificate to prove it!!
izzie wearing her tag painted by our talented friend, Molly Sabin
in her tag taking a break from her studies.
dennis had a photography exhibit at hampshire college - he wore a camera. he took the photos.
paco was intently watching a football game when i took this shot! he was not drinking a beer.
he belongs to a very good friend of mine. i believe that there is a spirited human trapped in that dog’s body.
benny needed two photos as this one is priceless.
her tag is hiding its stones, but i love this photo of her smiling!
dressed up as a dog in this one.
wally was a service dog and one of the stars in the newly released documentary called The Buddy System about specially trained dogs who change the lives of kids on the autism spectrum. what a good boy he was and what a gift he gave not just his buddy, but his whole family.
izzie's first doggie pal who lived in Maine
RIP good boy.
RIP. she was a great pal to me and izzie. we miss her.
RIP. Ruby's buddy.
RIP. what a great memory!
he lives on always for me when i see this adorable shot of him wearing his tag.
RIP. buddy from way back...
RIP 1998-2007
she was my shadow. i still miss her!
Izzie , my last dog . passed away in March 2023 at the age of 15 and a half. A great long life shared.. I miss her spirit. She was an independant, smart, defiant, sassy, sensitive, sometimes nervous, goofball with a sense a humor. ( kind of like me!!!) i think she was an aussie- chow mix. She was lucky she was cute as she could be naughty! at one time in her life she was a "canine good citizen". i have the certificate to prove it!!
izzie wearing her tag painted by our talented friend, Molly Sabin
in her tag taking a break from her studies.
dennis had a photography exhibit at hampshire college - he wore a camera. he took the photos.
paco was intently watching a football game when i took this shot! he was not drinking a beer.
he belongs to a very good friend of mine. i believe that there is a spirited human trapped in that dog’s body.
benny needed two photos as this one is priceless.
her tag is hiding its stones, but i love this photo of her smiling!
dressed up as a dog in this one.
wally was a service dog and one of the stars in the newly released documentary called The Buddy System about specially trained dogs who change the lives of kids on the autism spectrum. what a good boy he was and what a gift he gave not just his buddy, but his whole family.
izzie's first doggie pal who lived in Maine
RIP good boy.
RIP. she was a great pal to me and izzie. we miss her.
RIP. Ruby's buddy.
RIP. what a great memory!
he lives on always for me when i see this adorable shot of him wearing his tag.
RIP. buddy from way back...